Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Josh's first meet

Josh ran with 154 fourth grade boys. He didn't come in first but that doesn't matter, he finished the race. He came in 149th place with the time of 11min. 46 sec. We are really proud of him; it's not easy running 1 mile cross country. Way to Josh!!
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Saturday, September 13, 2008


Just a note about how I'm doing. Chemo and radiation isn't that bad minus the tiredness, feeling like your a zombie, and nausea. I'm glad that I get the weekends off; time to somewhat recuperate. Today I feel good.
Josh is powering out the cross country and his first meet is this Thursday. They have to run a mile, Josh says it's hard to run a mile, we will see how his meet goes. Josh isn't class rep, he didn't turn his paper on time, he was bummed;but when I told him that he would of had to make a speech, he was glad that he didn't turn his paper in.
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