Wednesday, March 7, 2012

First Time

So it's been awhile since my last post so here is an update: These are the first for our family.
*Josh was in the majors last year for baseball his team won the Auburn Division and went to T.O.C.(tournament of champions)
*He went to scout camp, earned 5 medit badges
*He played football and loved it, can't wait till next season
*Is a Life Scout
*He turned 13, officially a teenager

Now about the pictures:
1st-birthday wearing is favorite shirt given by Aunt Sarah, he also received another favorite shirt the Oregon Ducks from Uncle Keith and Aunt Tracey
2nd-Josh in his practice uniform for the Jr. Hillmen
3rd-Mariner's team Majors little league
4th-it was sports day at school and he's wearing Bryon's old football jersey

It is now baseball season again and Josh is playing in the Juniors, team Brewers. This is his first time playing on the high school field. We are excited for the season and for what's come. I can't believe how fast they grow. Just thinking that in 2013 he will be starting high school and seminary.
On another note Bryon started a new job at Taco Bell and I was called to Young Women's as the secretary. I am very excited about being in YW's, it is a great program!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Things We Did This Summer

This summer was packed with fun stuff for us. We went camping at Meadow Lake. It is so pretty there. We stayed three nights and had such a good time. We saw an bald eagle, that was a first for Josh and I, that was awesome!

Here we hiked to the top of a mountain and on there other side was a large patch of snow where Josh and his friend, Nico were sliding down it. Our other dog Isaiah was sliding around on the snow and it was funny! Marley only wanted to eat the snow.
This picture was taken at Fort Bragg earlier then our Meadow Lake trip. It was so windy there and cold but we had good company some friends form our ward went camping there too. We went fishing and our friends went abbing. Another first for Josh and I this summer was we went to Squaw Valley with my sister and her husband and we saw a black bear walk right in front of us on our 5 mile bike ride to Tahoe City. The bear was about 15 feet away from us, so close but not to close. Plus there were a lot of people around us so I wasn't scared. It was really cool.
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Monday, February 22, 2010

I've been quilting!

I've always wanted to learn how to quilt and thanks to Relief Society enrichment class, I finally did! I always look forward to each month for the next class. I always leave that Saturday open so I can go. I really love the lady that teaches the class; she is such a sweet lady and she says that she's no expert, but her quilts are always awesome! The top quilt was my first quilt.
This quilt I'm still working on, all I have to do is cut the material for the backing and quilt it with the batting together. This one is my favorite because it's Mary Englebright, I just love her patterns and colors.
This one is a wall hanging that I made last month. I've also made a table runner, 2 tote bags, which I gave one to Sharon, and another small wall hanging or it could be a pillow top.
There is this lady in our ward that made her husband a handmade tie and thought that it was a good idea, so I made these for Bryon and Josh. I found out that I really enjoy sewing. I think next I'll try to make a skirt or purse.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random pictures from the last few months

This was the last day of Bryon's play, Fiddler on the Roof.
The scene right before Bryon's solo.
Josh's 11th birthday party, having german chocolate cake, one of Josh's, Bryon's and my dad's favorite cakes.
This is Josh's snowman that he made in our driveway, when we got that snow last month. It was such a fun day! He didn't have school(it was a snow day) and he went cross country skiing with our neighbor on their field across the way.
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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Josh's cross country meet

This was Josh's 2nd cross country meet. I forgot to bring my camera for the first one. This meet was in Grass Valley and he said it wasn't as hard as the first one, which they ran a mile and half in Loomis. He has two more meets and his last one they can wear a costume because it is the day before Halloween, but not to constricting ,one that they can run in.
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Visiting Grandpa and Grandma Southwick's House

We took a trip to Santa Rosa last month to see if we could get a piece of raspberry bush from the Southwick's yard. The raspberry bush died but his peach tree was still there and the owners let us have 3 peaches. I wish they were still around I would of loved to meet the Southwick's.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Joshua receives his Arrow of Light

Joshua recieved his Arrow of Light among a number of other awards. The Arrow of Light is the highest award a Cub Scout can receive. Joshua has worked hard and it was awesome to see him reap the fruits of his labors. Way to go Joshua! Oh yeah, Dad and Mom might have helped a bit - :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my berry making process is upside down

To note,this blog only lets me do 4 pictures at a time and so the berry making process is in reverse. I don't know how to fix it unless I delete and write it from the end to beginning. Any suggestions(brother-in-laws that are good with computers)? So when reading you have to start from"making raspberry jam" and go up.

continue of jam

pouring the jam in the jars that have been completely dried and then you place the lid and band on it and turn it upside down on a towel until the seal pops... you have to check them periodically....
jars coming out of hot bath..
and lids..
the last bit being dumped...within 24 hours you have set jam!!
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squeezing the juice...
putting in the pectin, which has to be the exact amount....
after it comes to a rolling boil you put the sugar in...
another rolling boil for an exact 1 minute....
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