Tuesday, June 16, 2009

my berry making process is upside down

To note,this blog only lets me do 4 pictures at a time and so the berry making process is in reverse. I don't know how to fix it unless I delete and write it from the end to beginning. Any suggestions(brother-in-laws that are good with computers)? So when reading you have to start from"making raspberry jam" and go up.

continue of jam

pouring the jam in the jars that have been completely dried and then you place the lid and band on it and turn it upside down on a towel until the seal pops... you have to check them periodically....
jars coming out of hot bath..
and lids..
the last bit being dumped...within 24 hours you have set jam!!
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squeezing the juice...
putting in the pectin, which has to be the exact amount....
after it comes to a rolling boil you put the sugar in...
another rolling boil for an exact 1 minute....
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continue of berry jam

the jars and lids in the bath...
rinsing off the berries...
getting the cheese cloth ready...
blending the berries...
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Making raspberry jam

We went over to our friend's farm, they are in our ward, and picked some raspberries. They had so many this year it was crazy. This has been our third year picking raspberries and making jam. I told Bryon I think that this will be our family tradition. The first year we picked golden raspberries and I canned them myself, first time ever I made jam. The second and this year we picked red berries and Bryon helped me, much better. Even with his help it is a long process.I still would like to pick the golden, I think we will do it later. So this is the process and making raspberry jam......
These are all the berries...
getting the bath ready for the jars and lids...

going to wash the jars and lids...
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Going to the Sutter Buttes!

We are a little late on posting this but Josh's last field trip in school was to the Sutter Buttes. They hiked up to the top of the moutain. They saw hawks and land, said by Josh.

This is were the native Indians use to camp. In this rock area.
They had a trail guide. Josh said that he didn't really enjoy going because " it was a little boring". I would of loved to go, it sound fun to me. He probably didn't enjoy it because there was no gift shop; he loves those gift shops even though he didn't always have money to buy from them. These pictures were taken by Josh except for the last one taken by his teacher, Mr. Wells.
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